Shunyata Research News

Shunyata | CH Precision | Wilson

August 30, 2024

Shunyata’s reference room is in peak form after a visit from Kevin Wolff of CH Precision.

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Announcing the Revolutionary Alpha-X & Sigma-X Power Cables

August 30, 2024

Introducing the ALPHA-X and SIGMA-X power cables by Shunyata Research—experience the next level of audio performance with groundbreaking technologies that redefine what’s possible.

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Shunyata Research: Applications in Electrophysiology

July 30, 2024

Shunyata Research’s unique science possesses a measurably superior ability to mitigate high-intensity system generated noise, thus preserving the low-level signal. These clinical measurements show in visual terms what award-winning studios, recording engineers and record producers have noted for over 20 years.

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Shunyata Research in Pro Audio

July 29, 2024

World-renowned recording engineers are by nature, critical consumers. Any product they consider for inclusion in their tightly calibrated systems must be explained and evaluated in a way that leaves no room for doubt.

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AlsyVox Speakers with Shunyata Research Grounding

July 29, 2024

“More silence between musical passages, more defined image, deeper soundstage and more refined sound, smoother liquid notes, faster transients and very long sustained notes and decays. A clear improvement in music enjoyment and all of this at the cost of a small screw…”

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Omega Speaker Cables Reviewed by Alan Sircom of Hi-Fi+

July 8, 2024

“Those who have recently discovered the joys of Shunyata Research’s power products – especially the Everest 8000 and Omega XC power cord – will be just as surprised and impressed by the performance of the signal cables that carry the same name.”

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ALTAIRA Receives Product of The Year from Robert Harley, Editor-in-Chief of The Absolute Sound

“Shunyata’s ALTAIRA System is a revelation, not only taking my system’s performance to the next level of sound quality,
but also in revealing the effects of ground noise on musical realism. It has become an essential part of my reference system”
~ Robert Harley, Editor-in-Chief, The Absolute Sound, Issue 334
Click the image below to read the full review

World Renowned Electrical & Signal Systems

World Renowned Electrical
& Signal Systems

World Renowned Electrical & Signal Systems

Patented Science. Unrivaled Results.

Shunyata Research is a Washington State based company that designs and manufacturers the world's most advanced electrical and signal system products. Backed by multiple patents and the design talents of former military scientist Caelin Gabriel, Shunyata Research products have earned applications not only in the finest home audio systems ever assembled, but within the world's most critical recording, mastering, film and surgical systems. Superior performance, value and craftsmanship have established Shunyata Research as the singular choice for the discerning ear.

Power Distributors
Power Cables
Audio Cables
Digital Cables

Commitment To Our Customers


Shunyata Research's mission is to elevate the performance of signal sensitive and high-current electronics systems, motivated at our core by improving sound and film resolution. Patented technologies, credible science, lasting value and superior service throughout the lifetime of the product ensure that our customers are satisfied by their investment. Shunyata Research products are available through the finest high end audio retailers in almost every country around the world and are heralded as best in class by customers and critics alike.

Intellectual Property

Customer Service

Professional & Medical Applications

Made in the USA

What Our Listeners Say

"Shunyata Research power cables and interconnects made a remarkable difference in my reference system. These are not subtle tweaks… as unbelievable as it may seem, a greater improvement than changing the whole front end. I could not recommend them highly enough."

Rick Rubin
8-Time Grammy Winning Record Producer


"With digital sources it was almost as if we had switched from 44.1k/16 bit to 96k/24 bit. We now run all our analogue machines, workstations and the mixing console from the Shunyata equipment."

Andy Jackson
Astoria Studio UK

"We first put the HYDRA to test on a monitor system that had problems with noise and clarity. The result was less noise with an improvement in overall sound quality. We now use the HYDRA’s on our Model 2 converters, AES router and main monitor system consisting of B&W 802 speakers and Chord Amps."

Clayton Wood
Senior Engineer at Skywalker Ranch

"I have personally evaluated the HYDRA power conditioning system along with your PowerSnakes power cables. Especially, with my 2 track tape machines, the sound with your system was definitely more transparent and clear. I would highly recommend Shunyata Research products to any professional audio/video facility."

Vlado Meller
Senior Mastering Engineer, Sony Music Studios

"...rather than offering an incremental improvement, the Everest 8000 represents a significant leap in sound quality—one that redefines what’s possible in AC power conditioning...The Everest 8000 and Omega XC have become essential parts of my reference system.”

Robert Harley
Editor, The Absolute Sound Magazine

“…what Delta NR does so well is let a product sound like it ought to sound… this isn’t a power cord for those who want to shape the sound of their system, but for those who want to experience their system in true honesty.”

Alan Sircom
HiFi+ Magazine, Issue 166

What Our Listeners Say

"Shunyata Research power cables and interconnects made a remarkable difference in my reference system. These are not subtle tweaks… as unbelievable as it may seem, a greater improvement than changing the whole front end. I could not recommend them highly enough."

Rick Rubin
8-Time Grammy Winning Record Producer


"With digital sources it was almost as if we had switched from 44.1k/16 bit to 96k/24 bit. We now run all our analogue machines, workstations and the mixing console from the Shunyata equipment."

Andy Jackson
Astoria Studio UK

"We first put the HYDRA to test on a monitor system that had problems with noise and clarity. The result was less noise with an improvement in overall sound quality. We now use the HYDRA’s on our Model 2 converters, AES router and main monitor system consisting of B&W 802 speakers and Chord Amps."

Clayton Wood
Senior Engineer at Skywalker Ranch

"I have personally evaluated the HYDRA power conditioning system along with your PowerSnakes power cables. Especially, with my 2 track tape machines, the sound with your system was definitely more transparent and clear. I would highly recommend Shunyata Research products to any professional audio/video facility."

Vlado Meller
Senior Mastering Engineer, Sony Music Studios

"...rather than offering an incremental improvement, the Everest 8000 represents a significant leap in sound quality—one that redefines what’s possible in AC power conditioning...The Everest 8000 and Omega XC have become essential parts of my reference system.”

Robert Harley
Editor, The Absolute Sound Magazine


“…what Delta NR does so well is let a product sound like it ought to sound… this isn’t a power cord for those who want to shape the sound of their system, but for those who want to experience their system in true honesty.”

Alan Sircom
HiFi+ Magazine, Issue 166


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Quaerendum. Volutpat mus laoreet diam dolore potenti ut malesuada prima vel erroribus. Nisi. Delectus stet dolor. Admodum eam consul semper vocibus felis adversarium nisl convallis inciderint. Curabitur tincidunt sodales voluptatibus invenire pri fames platea epicurei detraxit parturient mediocrem, est. Dis. Donec libero tortor iudico delicatissimi, deterruisset consulatu libris viverra, facilisi pellentesque tale omittantur lectus vivendo. Nullam atqui leo phasellus pharetra maluisset congue nobis partem eloquentiam.

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