Truly, a remarkable experience

To Whom It May Concern:

Having owned and used a Shunyata VENOM power cord and then used Acrolink 4023 PC’s for the last year I’m convinced that power cords make a big difference in sound over stock cords. I don’t understand why or how but that does not matter. When I received the TAIPAN’s I cooked them on a cable cooker for several hours before listening. After hooking them up, what I noticed was a big improvement in the sound stage. I could hear better placement of instruments, studio room size/acoustics, placement of vocals, and that feeling that you are right there in front of BB King, Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy and Clearance Brown. Truly, a remarkable experience.

I have done evaluations on tubes, prototype interconnects and PC’s for Ron at Cryoset and auditioned many other brands of cables. It normally takes a lot to impress me but I’m very impressed with the Helix technology and quality of these cables. I’m glad the price was such that I could justify the risk of buying a product that I had not auditioned.

John T.

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