Power Distributors
technology explained
Shunyata Research power distributors are by design the most finely calibrated, noise isolated products in their category. They accomplish this by eschewing traditional approaches to "power conditioning" in favor of passive, patent protected designs that unlock the free flow of instantaneous current (DTCD), while reducing power line and component generated noise to an unprecedented degree. Shunyata power distributors accomplish this through their discrete CCI (Component To Component) filtering system and layered approach to passive noise reduction.
Over it's 20 year history, Shunyata Research has developed it's own custom manufactured filters, buss systems, conductors, outlets, noise isolation chambers and breakers to maximize performance within its power distributor designs. The profound noise reduction capability within Shunyata power distributors is applied in life-saving heart surgery systems as well as top recording and mastering studios world-wide. With credible patents, measurements and thousands of professionals in several industries recommending Shunyata Research power distributors, it is no wonder they are the most in-demand products of their kind on the market.

The NIC™ (Noise Isolation Chamber) is a patented Shunyata Research device that reduces high frequency power line noise. It employs a ferroelectric substance that actually absorbs high frequency noise without any of the reactive negatives associated with transformers and large capacitors as used in conventional power conditioners.
~ Patent US 8,658,892 ~

The QR/BB™ is a patented device which dramatically enhances the perception of dynamic impact and timing when connected to amplifiers or other high-current electronics. The QR/BB™ is unique in that it provides a local reserve of energy, or Coulomb charge, that mitigates the inductive reactance of the AC power line without using coils, transformers or capacitors. The QR/BB™ acts as an instantaneous energy reserve when placed in-line with an AC power supply.
— Patent Number: US 10,031,536 —

The ZrCa-2000 is a proprietary compound, used in NICs, that absorbs and dissipates high-frequency noise when used in power conditioners or power supplies. The ZrCa-2000 materials are ferroelectric, crystalline materials that act on the electric field similar to the manner in which ferrite (ferrous metals) acts on the magnetic field. Both absorb high frequency noise; however, the ZrCa-2000™ compounds do so without the negative sonic side effects commonly associated with the use of ferrite in an audio system.
~ Patents US 8,658,892 and US 6,242,689 ~

DTCD® Analysis is a proprietary measurement technique developed to measure instantaneous current flow through very low impedance electrical conductors and contacts. It is used to optimize the design of electrical parts and materials, ensuring optimal instantaneous current delivery. DTCD® Analysis gives Shunyata Research a clear competitive advantage in the design and development of high performance power delivery products.
For more info read our technology guide.

Many audiophile grade connectors are made from brass or bronze. While some may get a plating of silver, gold or rhodium, the majority of the current is carried by the contact’s base-metal. CopperCONN® connectors contain pure copper contacts which have a much higher conductivity than brass. The difference in performance is clearly audible.

CCI™ filters have the unique ability to reduce component-generated power line noise without inhibiting DTCD® (dynamic transient current delivery). This unique filter element prevents power line noise from one component contaminating the other adjacent electronic components. Shunyata Research’s CCI™ filter modules consist of proprietary multi-stage filters that reduce power supply-generated noise without the use of heavy transformers, coils or large capacitors.

Shunyata Research’s exclusive VTX™ conductors are made in the shape of virtual tubes. The core of the conductor is completely hollow minimizing skin effects and random eddy currents. They are produced using OFE Alloy-101.

Power distributors react very similarly to power amplifiers in their sensitivity to vibration. Using the Shunyata vibration analyzer, Caelin Gabriel developed the Shunyata Isolation Footer, which possesses excellent measured vibration dampening characteristics. Shunyata Research also produces several SSF (stainless steel feet) that employ energy absorbing polymers. (Note: SSF feet are standard on some models and optionally available on others)

The CGS (Chassis Grounding System) is an internal ground-buss that uses patented NIC™ technology to reduce ground plane noise. CGS provides a common grounding point and extends the noise reduction capability of the power conditioner’s internal NICs to other electronic components. CGS helps to minimize inter-component voltage differences between component chassis and may reduce the hum associated with ground loops.

KPIP™ (Kinetic Phase Inversion Process) was developed by Caelin Gabriel after years of research into the underlying causes of various effects such as burn-in, wire directionality and the effects of cryogentic treatment. He discovered that there was an underlying core principle that burn-in and cryogenics only “partially” addressed. Once the governing principle was understood it became possible to create a processing technique and machine that could virtually eliminate the need for burn-in and cryogenic treatment.
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