February 18, 2025
Theta Speaker Cables Receive SoundStage! HI-FI Reviewer’s Choice Award

SoundStage! Network gives their Reviewers' Choice award to our Theta Speaker cables. In his review for Soundstage! Hi-Fi, Killain Jones takes a deep dive, exploring not just the meticulous engineering behind them but also their transformative impact on his system. Jones found the Theta Speaker cables provided a distinct leap in performance above his previous reference cables, stating “The Theta speaker cables provided nuanced detail, clarity, and focus, along with exceptional dynamics. I had a preternatural sense of hearing deeper into all the music I auditioned without feeling overwhelmed with information.”
"Throughout my listening to Shunyata Research’s Theta speaker cables, all genres of music flowed with transparent immediacy that rivaled a live performance."
~ Killain Jones, SoundStage! Hi-Fi